Method 1: updateNetwork

Input: Graph G, edge changed e, ε, µ

u, v = nodes of e for x in (u, v):

     if x == u:

          x’ = v


          x’ = u

     if x is a core:

          propagateId(x, generateNewId(), ε, µ)

          if e was a removal:

               if x’ is not density connected from x and id(x’) == id(x):

                    if x’ is a core:

                         propagateId(x’, generateNewId(), ε, µ)




          if x was a core:

               for nei in neighborhood of x:

                    if id(nei) == id(x) and nei has not been changed:

                         propagateId(x’, generateNewId(), ε, µ)

               if x was not changed:


                    for nei in neighborhood of x:

                         if nei is not a core and does not neighbor a core:


Method 2: propagateId

Input: Vertex v, id, ε,  µ

if v is a core:

     push v onto the queue while |queue| > 0:

u = pop from top of queue

     if u was not checked already:

          id(u) = id

          if u is a core:

               push all ε-neighbors of u to the queue